First name *
Last name *
Email *
Please confirm your email *
Phone number *
Location of Hideaway *
Size of the property *
What is the draw card for this property as a shoot location? *
Are you wishing to list as a:
stills shoot houseTVC shoot houseFilm shoot houseAll of the above
No of bedrooms:
No of bathrooms:
No of communal spaces:
How many cars are able to fit on the property?
How many people can the house "hold" on a shoot day?*
As a guidance, most 4 bedroom homes allow up to 25 pax, 6 bedroom homes and over allow 50 on site and more.
Architectural and interior background, Who designed the house and interiors? *
Do you live in the house?
Is there a pool?
Is the property beach front?
Is there a house manager, housekeeper or staff on site that would be able to assist the shoot agency on shoot day
Would you consider a shoot and stay
Are there pets on the property?, If so, what are they? *
Please share any additional information about your shoot location
Images are important for us to view your shoot location, please upload your images below:
Confirm you are human. 5+5=?